研究 supports redesigning 反欺凌 programs

阿宾顿,爸爸. — A new study suggests differences in substance abuse between male and female 欺凌 victims should lead to redesigning 反欺凌 efforts.

研究, published in the Journal of Drug Issues, suggests that repeated 欺凌 during childhood is a predictor of developmental differences in substance use among males and females across extended periods of their lives.

Two key findings emerged in the article, "Sex Differences in Childhood Bullying Victimization and Trajectories of Substance Use From Adolescence to Adulthood":

  • From middle adolescence to young adulthood, male victims reported faster increases in cigarette and marijuana use compared to non-bullied males. Female victims reported faster increases in cigarette use compared to non-bullied females.
  • From middle adolescence to middle adulthood, male victims reported slower declines in cigarette and marijuana use, while female victims reported slower declines in alcohol and cigarette use.
阿宾顿 刑事司法

埃里克J. 康诺利, assistant professor of 刑事司法, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校


The author of the study, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 biosocial criminologist 埃里克J. 康诺利说, the results support rethinking current 反欺凌 programming.

“Given the substantial impact of substance abuse on the 医疗保健系统 in the United States, the results from this study can be interpreted as support for early 欺凌 intervention programs aimed at addressing the common and unique needs of male and female victims,”康诺利, assistant professor of 刑事司法说,.

There are a financial as well as health and social benefits to reassessing 反欺凌 efforts.

“Proper identification and treatment of victims may help reduce the risk of substance use habit formation later in life, which may help ameliorate the financial burden of substance abuse on the U.S. 医疗保健系统.康诺利说.

Prior to the publication of 康诺利's paper, comparatively less research examined the male-versus-female association between 欺凌 victimization and developmental growth in substance use. This study addressed the gap in the literature by analyzing data from the 国家 Longitudinal Survey of Youth.

康诺利 earned his doctorate in criminology and 刑事司法 from Florida State University. His work has appeared in journals such as Child Development, 犯罪学, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Quantitative 犯罪学, and Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 

康诺利 often collaborates with 阿宾顿 students on research projects for the college's prestigious undergraduate research program, known as ACURA. 


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, formerly the Ogontz campus, offers baccalaureate degrees in 18 majors at its suburban location just north of Philadelphia. 将近一半的人,000 students complete all four years at 阿宾顿, with opportunities in undergraduate research, the Schreyer honors program, NCAA Division III athletics, 和更多的. The 狮门 residence hall will open in August.
